Monday, April 19, 2010

Alex Bogusky of CP+B (Crispin, Porter and Bogusky) hosts Fearless Q+A, a weekly talk show revolving around everything to do with Advertising with some of the industry's top professionals. One of the most beneficial episodes surrounded the topic of "The Creative Portfolio" where Alex and his guest and fellow employee, Tiffany Kosel reviewed various portfolios for content, appearance and impact while giving their thoughts on what young creatives should include in their portfolios. Although the episode was filmed back in November of 2009, it is definitely a keeper! Check out the link to watch the full episode, courtesy of

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Apple introduces the iAD

In recent news, Apple has developed and announced a new platform called the iAD for the iphone, ipod touch and the new ipad in which developers can create specific interactive ads and applications for these three platforms. Apple shares revenue with each ad created on a 60:40 ratio but at least developers are now able to play in Apple's court. Who knows what type of technology will be leaking onto these platforms in the not-so-distant future?

Developers have basically been dealt Apple's secret recipe to developing applications and advertisements specifically for one of the widest growing platforms available worldwide. Now it's time for the creativity to start pouring in, brands to become more interactive and the boundaries to be pushed. I am personally looking forward to how this will affect Apple's newest invention, the iPad, in which marketers and advertisers can find new ways to reach consumers.

For more information and a deeper look into the potential of Apple's new iADs CLICK HERE.

For Steve Jobs' intro video to Apple iADS CLICK HERE

Ogilvy steps up for IKEA - Resize a Room advertisement

Recently Ogilvy United Arabs generated a unique banner ad that really got consumers interacting with international furniture giant IKEA. The ad featured a mouse passover effect in which the user was able to click and drag the banner ad to create various room sizes while the ad suggested IKEA furniture that might be appropriate for each room. After interacting with the ad a couple times prices appeared and the ad linked the user to the IKEA website where they could gather more information about their products and potentially draw consumers to purchase. The idea was so simplistic, yet effective and definitely raised the bar for online banner ads and their interactivity with users.

Koodos to Ogilvy Mather United Arabs! Definitely one of the coolest banners produced thus far.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

So this is one of my first and favourite ad campaigns done for Snapple Lemon Iced Tea. The brand required a fun, funky and colourful tone to appeal to Snapple drinkers. The concept behind the campaign was to suggest how Snapple fruits are chosen carefully and that only the best fruits were used in Snapple products. The various ads in the campaign depict fruits training to become and potentially be chosen as Snapple fruits. They are conducting different exercises. The tagline "Only the best comes naturally" suggests that 'natural' fruits are the best, as well as 'being the best' comes without effort and none-the-less, naturally.

My style used for this campaign was very simplistic; simple, yet effective visuals on various starburst-type backgrounds to bring out the brands personality and breed new life into Snapple.


So this is my first post, welcome to The Young Kreative! My name is Gianfranco, this is my first time blogging and so I will do my best to keep posts short and to the point. I'll be sharing links, work and general information about advertising. I am an aspiring Art Director and am eager to make it in the advertising industry. I am fascinated by both traditional and new media and appreciate both the strategic and creative sides to advertising campaigns.

On this blog you will learn about Me, my work, existing ad campaigns, trends in market and new technologies. I hope this can be a beneficial and interesting learning experience for myself and my let's begin!